Why have my IPs been unauthenticated?

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

There are a few reasons why your IPs could have been unauthenticated by us. Normally you should have received an email explaining why your IPs were unauthenticated and how to prevent it in the future from happening.

Possible reasons why this could have happened

Here is a very small list of reasons why your IPs could have been unauthenticated:

  • Your activities look very similar to a DDoS attack or hacking attempt. Try lowering the amount of 400 and 500 HTTP error response codes that you receive back from your target website.
  • Your activities are harming our network, causing a negative experience for other ProxyScrape users.

How to prevent it in the future?

Typically lowering the number of concurrent connections you are making and preventing too many 400 and 500 HTTP error response codes from your target website will prevent this from happening ever again.

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